Table of Contents
These printable stress test worksheets & nuclear stress test prep instructions were created to be used in conjunction with our NucReporter SPECT/PET MPI Reporting Software.
- However, feel free to use them in your cardiology practice.
No representations are made that these documents constitute clinical guidance.
Please do your own your own due diligence.
Printable Stress Test Worksheets
Please refer to the following for stress testing best practices:
Printable Stress Test Worksheet: Nuclear Cardiology
This works most seamlessly with our NucReporter reporting software.
However, it is also helpful for any nuclear cardiology lab as it ensures that all necessary information is recorded.
This can be very helpful during:
- IAC site visits
- Inspections
- Insurance audits, etc.
Printable Stress Test Worksheet: Exercise Tolerance Test
This works most seamlessly with the ETT component of our NucReporter reporting software.
- Feel free to use it for your cardiology practice.
Nuclear Stress Test Prep Instructions – General
This document is available as PDF & editable Word document. You can customize the Word document for your cardiology practice.
This comprehensive document will help your patients to arrive properly prepared for their nuclear stress test.
We recommend that a knowledgeable person (preferably a provider or nuclear medicine technologist) go over this document with the patient at the time of scheduling.
- This will prevent a lot of rescheduling due to improper preparation.
Feel free to download the Word version and edit it to make it your own.
Nuclear Stress Test Prep Instructions: Medications to Withold
This document is available as PDF & editable Word document. You can customize the Word document for your cardiology practice.
* This document was adapted from this article which was published in the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology in 2006:
You could give it to patients to help them prepare properly for a vasodilator stress test.
It is also helpful for your own reference when patients ask you questions about specific medications.
- There are so many contraindicated medications that they’re hard to memorize.
- Many of these meds go by different names.
Again, please consult with this article for complete patient preparation instructions.